Evaluation and Assessment for NSF Projects

2024年3月28日,星期四,12:40.m. 到2点.m.

戴蒙德图书馆- TBA室

 NSF and other sponsor expect Principal Investigators to develop metrics and determine the impact their projects have beyond the 研究 itself. 

This session provides information about:
• Why evaluation plans are needed and how they contribute positively to the project
•  Necessary components of appropriate evaluation plans
• How to decide whether to use an internal or external evaluator
• How to locate and select an evaluator/partner
 •  How to budget in the proposal for the costs of evaluation
 • What to do pre-award to help make sure the evaluation goes well

Tools and resources that are available within and outside UNH to assist faculty in developing these aspects of their proposals and securing experts to perform the assessment or evaluation also will be discussed.
Audience:  教师, Postdocs, PhD Students, and 工作人员
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